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Free ELA Worksheets - K-12

Build reading and writing skills with our growing collection of free ELA worksheets and online English worksheets for grammar, vocabulary, spelling, literature, and reading strategies.

English Worksheets labeled with are Common Core Standards aligned and accessible to Pro subscribers only. Become a Subscriber to access hundreds of standards aligned worksheets.

PARCC ELA EOY Test - Reading Practice Worksheets

English Language Arts Review Worksheets

Printable and Online Grammar Worksheets

Understanding grammatical structure is like understanding the building blocks for language. Improving your students’ grammar means improving their writing, reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Use this section to help students develop and practice their knowledge of sentence structure and the parts of speech.

Vocabulary Worksheets

Our vocabularies are our own personal word banks. We become increasingly richer in words through reading, writing and practice. Help student vocabularies grow with this section’s cache of worksheets. Through synonyms and antonyms, context clues and structural elements like prefixes and suffixes, students add more vocabulary to their growing banks.

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Spelling is a vital building block for language. However, it can also be a difficult area to teach. In this section, find grade-level spelling lists and related worksheets, as well as worksheets related to sight words, common spelling patterns, word families, and contractions. Through repetition, identification and vocabulary practice, students will develop strategies to help them learn to spell.

Reading Strategies Resources

Good readers know how to analyze a text, make connections as they read and discuss text elements and story elements. These worksheets incorporate both fiction and non-fiction texts and are designed to help students practice some of the key skills good readers need to improve their comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Literature & Reading Worksheets and Resources

Take your students on a journey to new worlds. Explore our rich literature section that includes poems, short stories, novels for children and adults, fiction, non-fiction, biographies, fables & tales.

Writing Resources

Our writing section features worksheets designed to help students improve their writing. You will find daily, weekly, and subject-specific writing prompts, worksheets related to the writing process, and other resources designed to help students learn how to write eloquently and effectively. Worksheets cover many genres of writing, from fiction to persuasive, explanatory, and narrative pieces.