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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Hinduism Questions

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Grade 6 Hinduism
Grade 6 Hinduism

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Grade 6 Hinduism
Grade 6 Hinduism

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Teachings of Hinduism include
  1. belief in one God
  2. the search of nirvana
  3. the Ten Commandments
  4. belief in reincarnation
Grade 6 Hinduism
Unlike other major world religions, Hinduism
  1. had no single founder.
  2. has had no influence on other religions.
  3. has no sacred texts.
  4. has no great thinkers.
Grade 6 Hinduism

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What is reincarnation?
  1. a religious movement in India that converted many Indians
  2. A cycle of rebirth in which one is reborn in a human or animal body
  3. the earliest form of recycling paper, glass, and cans
  4. the idea that ownership of goods can buy happiness
Grade 6 Hinduism
What is Karma?
  1. The soul in Hinduism.
  2. Meditation that leads to enlightenment.
  3. The sacred text of Buddhism.
  4. A measurement of how good or bad a person has been.
Grade 6 Hinduism
Which faith believes that cows are sacred?
  1. Islam
  2. Buddhism
  3. Hinduism
  4. Christians
Grade 6 Hinduism
Grade 6 Hinduism

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Grade 6 Hinduism
The most sacred river to Hindus
  1. Mississippi River
  2. Grand River
  3. Ganges River
  4. Nile River
Grade 6 Hinduism
Avatar is the name of
  1. a system of special exercises and breathing.
  2. a representation of a Hindu god or goddess.
  3. a seeker of the meaning of life.
  4. a wall of snow-capped peaks and glaciers.
Grade 6 Hinduism
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