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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Hinduism Questions

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Grade 9 Hinduism
What is the name for deities in Hinduism?
  1. Devas
  2. Vedas
  3. Karmas
  4. Avatars
Grade 9 Hinduism
Shiva carries what weapon?
  1. sword
  2. whip
  3. lance
  4. trident
Grade 9 Hinduism
Answer the following questions about important Hindu deities.
__ Which deity is a both a destroyer and protector goddess and a consort of Shiva? A. Shiva
__ Which member of the Hindu triad is charged with protecting the world? B. Brahma
__ Which member of the Hindu triad is known as the "destroyer"? C. Indra
__ Who is the Hindu creator god? D. Parvati
__ Which Hindu god is the remover of obstacles? E. Kartikeya
__ Who is the Hindu war god? F. Kali
__ Who is the Hindu goddess of marriage? G. Vishnu
__ Who was the early Hindu storm god? H. Agni
__ Who was the early Hindu fire god? I. Lakshmi
__ Who is the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity? J. Ganesha
Grade 9 Hinduism
Grade 9 Hinduism
Grade 9 Hinduism
Grade 9 Hinduism
Grade 9 Hinduism
Grade 9 Hinduism
Grade 9 Hinduism
Where was Hinduism founded?
  1. China
  2. India
  3. Arabia
  4. U.S.
Grade 9 Hinduism
Who was at the top of the caste system?
  1. Untouchables
  2. Brahmins
  3. Merchants
  4. Soldiers/Warriors
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