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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Short Stories (Non-Fiction) Questions

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Grade 7 People (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.7.4

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Maria was called a walking polyglot. A polyglot is someone who
  1. is good at math.
  2. knows many languages.
  3. scores high on an IQ test.
  4. has a lot of brothers and sisters.
Grade 7 People (Stories)
Maria was called a walking polyglot. A polyglot is someone who
  1. is good at math.
  2. knows many languages.
  3. scores high on an IQ test.
  4. has a lot of brothers and sisters.
Grade 7 People (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.7.3

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Which statement best describes Maria?
  1. She was a woman from a big family.
  2. She was a young girl who knew a lot of things.
  3. She was a caring woman who made a difference.
  4. She was a wealthy Italian woman who liked the spotlight.
Grade 7 Nature and Science (Stories)
According to the passage, a Muggle is someone who
  1. loves Harry Potter books
  2. spend an entire day looking for treasure
  3. throws away a geocache container without realizing it
  4. sneakily hides a cache so no one can ever find it again
Grade 7 Nature and Science (Stories)
What type of treasure is found in a geocache?
  1. gold and silver coins
  2. popular books from history
  3. a piece of paper and a small item
  4. a mirror to show you your own face
Grade 7 Nature and Science (Stories)
Based on the word roots it contains, what does geocache mean?
  1. treasure hunt
  2. forest trail
  3. hidden object
  4. open highway
Grade 7 Nature and Science (Stories)
Grade 7 People (Stories)
Which detail shows that other people appreciated the message Mr. Rogers shared?
  1. He won a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
  2. He sang the song "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"
  3. Many people believed in racial segregation.
  4. Mr. Rogers wanted to end the stigma against disabilities.
Grade 7 People (Stories)
Which sentence best summarizes the passage?
  1. Mr. Rogers had a television show for children.
  2. Mr. Rogers changed the world through his TV show.
  3. Mr. Rogers had a conversation with a quadriplegic.
  4. Mr. Rogers was supportive of police officers.
Grade 7 People (Stories)
Mr. Rogers' show was unique because he
  1. sang songs for kids at the beginning and end
  2. talked about difficult topics in a comfortable way
  3. invited guests to visit him in his own home
  4. wore a sweater every day
Grade 7 People (Stories)
What did Mr. Rogers encourage people to do?
  1. soak their feet regularly
  2. watch his television show
  3. be more accepting of others
  4. try using a wheelchair for a day
Grade 7 Nature and Science (Stories)
Why did Dave Ulmer come up with the idea for geocaching?
  1. He wanted to hide treasures to surprise people.
  2. He wanted to see if his global positioning system worked.
  3. He wanted to try and put a geocache on every continent.
  4. He wanted to find a way to pass the time on the weekends.
Grade 7 People (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.7.3

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What caused Maria to write her textbook? Choose all that apply.
  1. She had to help teach her siblings.
  2. She thought calculus was interesting.
  3. She could not find a calculus textbook.
  4. She was tired of performing for her father at parties.
  5. She wanted to do something to impress the empress.
Grade 7 People (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.7.3

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How did Maria feel about mathematics?
  1. She thought it was hard to learn.
  2. She thought it was a beautiful language.
  3. She thought it was only for wealthy people.
  4. She thought it was going to change the world.
Grade 7 People (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.7.3

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Why did Maria choose to write her textbook in Italian?
  1. She spoke Italian.
  2. She liked the academic language.
  3. She knew the empress would read it.
  4. She wanted it to be available to everyone.
Grade 7 People (Stories)

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Grade 7 People (Stories)

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Grade 7 People (Stories)

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