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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Social Sciences Questions

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Grade 12 Psychology
cognitive development is the process that involves the thinking process in young children.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Psychology
Which level of Maslow's hierarchy is epitomized by the U.S. Army slogan, "Be all that you can be"?
  1. Safety
  2. Physiological
  3. Belongingness
  4. Self-actualization
Grade 12 Social Sciences
Identify this branch of the federal government:
The Congress of the United States
  1. Executive Branch
  2. Judicial Branch
  3. Legislative Branch
Grade 12 Psychology
You can know for certain you are not dreaming.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Criminal Justice
Suspect classification is based on the following premises:
  1. race
  2. gender
  3. nationality
  4. both a and c
Grade 12 Social Sciences

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The Bill of Rights was designed to limit the power of:
  1. the Supreme Court
  2. state governments
  3. the federal government
  4. all of the above
Grade 12 Psychology
In bright light, the iris __________ and the pupil __________ to control the amount of light entering the eye.
  1. expands; constricts
  2. constricts; expands
  3. focuses; constricts
  4. constricts; focuses
Grade 12 Sociology
A large number of people with similar amounts of income and education who work at jobs that are roughy comparable in prestige
  1. Social Structure
  2. Social Class
  3. Sign-vehicles
  4. Social integration
Grade 12 Sociology
A shared consciousness that people experience as a result of performing the same or similar tasks
  1. Organic Solidarity
  2. Mechanical Solidarity
  3. Social Structure
  4. Teamwork
Grade 12 Sociology
The position that someone occupies in society or a social group
  1. Social Class
  2. Social Integration
  3. Status Symbol
  4. Status
Grade 12 Sociology
Assumptions about what people are like, whether true or false
  1. Status
  2. Stereotype
  3. Role Strain
  4. Status Inconsistency
Grade 12 Sociology
Conflict that someone feels between roles because the expectations attached to one role are incompatible with the expectations of another role
  1. Role Strain
  2. Role Conflict
  3. Sign-vehicles
  4. Master Status
Grade 12 Psychology
Hearing aids are of no use to an individual with __________ deafness.
  1. ossicle
  2. nerve
  3. conduction
  4. auditory
Grade 12 Sociology
The term used by Erving Goffman to describe people's efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them:
  1. Face-saving Behavior
  2. Impression Management
  3. Status
  4. Sign-vehicles
Grade 12 Sociology
The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status
  1. Role
  2. Master Status
  3. Stereotype
  4. Sign-vehicles
Grade 12 Social Sciences
The                           is the supreme law of the United States.
  1. Articles of Confederation
  2. Constitution
  3. Congress
  4. none of the above
Grade 12 Social Sciences
One of the basic weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that
  1. it was never ratified
  2. it required amendments be ratified by each state
  3. it could not be amended
  4. all of the above
Grade 12 Psychology
The idea that the amount of change in a stimulus necessary to produce a JND is a constant proportion of the stimulus intensity is called
  1. James' law.
  2. the all-or-none principle.
  3. the law of diminishing returns.
  4. Weber's law.
Grade 12 Sociology
People who regularly and consciously interact with one another
  1. Group
  2. Social Class
  3. Social Institution
  4. Teamwork
Grade 12 Psychology
Describe Erikson's stages of psychosocial development.
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