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Second Grade (Grade 2) Social Sciences Questions

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Grade 2 Social Sciences
Who was the twelfth president of the United States?               
  1. Franklin Pierce
  2. Andrew Jackson
  3. Zachary Taylor
  4. Barrack Obama
Grade 2 Social Sciences
What group works together to run a city, state, or country?
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Who invented the electric light bulb?
  1. Benjamin Franklin
  2. George Washington Carver
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. Leonardo da Vinci
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Which of the following was a scientist who studied peanuts?
  1. Leonardo da Vinci
  2. George Washington Carver
  3. Benjamin Franklin
  4. Thomas Edison
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Who painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper?
  1. Leonardo da Vinci
  2. Benjamin Franklin
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. George Washington Carver
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Which of the following people was a scientist who created ideas to explain light, time, and space?
  1. Franklin Roosevelt
  2. Mohandas Gandhi
  3. Fredrick Douglas
  4. Albert Einstein
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Which of the women below is the only woman shown on a United States coin?
  1. Eleanor Roosevelt
  2. Helen Keller
  3. Anne Sullivan
  4. Susan B. Anthony
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Who was known as "First Lady of the World"
  1. Anne Sullivan
  2. Susan B. Anthony
  3. Helen Keller
  4. Eleanor Roosevelt
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Who lived in India and helped people learn how to become more powerful without fighting?
  1. Frederick Douglas
  2. Franklin Roosevelt
  3. Albert Einstein
  4. Mohandas Gandhi
Grade 2 Social Sciences
Who is known for his famous sayings "A penny saved is a penny earned" and Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise?"
  1. Thomas Edison
  2. Benjamin Franklin
  3. George Washington Carver
  4. Leonardo da Vinci
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