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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Social Sciences Questions

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Grade 4 Social Sciences
A desert is a                                      
  1. dry region that gets very little rain
  2. low land that lies along an ocean
  3. flat stretch of land
Grade 4 Social Sciences
In which Colonial region was slave labor most utilized?
  1. The New England Colonies
  2. The Southern Colonies
  3. The Mid Atlantic Colonies
  4. The Penal Colonies
Grade 4 Social Sciences
What was the geography of the Southern Colonies most like?
  1. Dry and barren
  2. rocky and mountious
  3. swampy with lots of rivers
  4. vast fields and fertile soil
Grade 4 Social Sciences
Which of the following ships did Columbus use for his voyage to Asia?
  1. Nina
  2. Pinta
  3. Santa Maria
  4. All of the above
Grade 4 Social Sciences
Directions: For questions 7-10, use the word bank below to answer the questions.

Word bank: expedition, legend, empire, slave

An _________________________ is a group of many conquered places and people under one ruler.
Grade 4 Social Sciences
A ________________________ is a settlement ruled by another country.
Grade 4 Social Sciences
What did most of the men do for a living in the New England Colonies?
  1. Logging and fishing
  2. farming and slave trading
  3. river boat captains and computer repair
  4. house keeping and laundry
Grade 4 Social Sciences
The geography in the New England Colonies were most like which of the following?
  1. flat and vast
  2. rocky and mountious
  3. swampy with lots of rivers
  4. dry and barren
Grade 4 Social Sciences
Which Profession would a man from the Southern Colonies most likely to do?
  1. Fisherman
  2. Logger
  3. Farmer
  4. Lawyer
Grade 4 Social Sciences
            immigrant             is a person who leaves his or her home country and comes to another country to live.
Grade 4 Social Sciences
Which of the following best desribes the geography of the Mid Atlantic colonies?
  1. flat and vast
  2. rocky and mountious
  3. semi rocky with lots of riverways
  4. dry and barren
Grade 4 Social Sciences
        goods         are products people buy and sell, such as food and clothing.
Grade 4 Social Sciences
An example of a mountain range would be the                         
  1. Gulf of Mexico
  2. Along the Atlantic Ocean
  3. Appalachian Mts.
  4. Grand Canyon
Grade 4 Social Sciences
In 1845, Texas became the ____________ state of the United States.
  1. 25th
  2. 26th
  3. 28th
  4. 27th
Grade 4 Social Sciences
A _________________________ is a person who is owned by another person and made to do work.
Grade 4 Social Sciences
The largest river system in the United States is                            
  1. Detroit River system
  2. Colorado River system
  3. The Mississippi River system
  4. The Clinton River
Grade 4 Social Sciences
Directions: For questions 11-16, use the word bank below to answer the questions.

Word Bank: plaza, vaquero, missionary, mestizo, mission, presidio

In the late 1600s and early 1700s, they built _______________________, or religious settlements.
Grade 4 Social Sciences
A low piece of land between two hills of land or mountains is a               
  1. mountain
  2. hill
  3. canyon
  4. valley
Grade 4 Social Sciences
What was the main occupation of a man in the Middle colonies?
  1. Logging and fishing
  2. farming and slave trading
  3. river boat captains and computer repair
  4. Sea port worker, industrial, and fishing
Grade 4 Social Sciences
The Grand Canyon is an example of a               
  1. basin
  2. plain
  3. canyon
  4. valley
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