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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Tenets of the Catholic Faith Questions

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Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
We are called to serve shared common:
  1. messages
  2. love
  3. happiness
  4. vocations
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is John Paul II real name?
  1. Karol Wotyla
  2. Carol Wojyla
  3. Carol Woyla
  4. Karol Wojtyla
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Self Actualization is good relationships with family, God, and friend
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What was Pope John Paul II first teaching project of his pontificate?
  1. The Gospel of Life
  2. Theology of the Body
  3. Faith and Reason
  4. Apostolic Letter Orientale Lumen
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
A vocation is a calling from:
  1. God
  2. Jesus
  3. Mary
  4. School
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Spiritual Social Emotional is developing your God given gifts and abilities to the fullest.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
How many vocations are there?
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 6
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