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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) The History of Jesus Questions

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Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Christians celebrate the day Jesus rose from the dead as
  1. Palm Sunday.
  2. Good Friday.
  3. Easter.
  4. Ash Wednesday.
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus calls Christians to forgive other people no matter what they did to you.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus grew up in the town of                .
  1. Bethlehem
  2. Galilee
  3. Nazareth
  4. Rome
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Who orders the killing of all infant boys at the time of Jesus' birth?
  1. Caesar
  2. King Herod
  3. Pontias Pilate
  4. Judas
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Mary gave birth to Jesus in                .
  1. Jerusalem
  2. Bethlehem
  3. Galilee
  4. Nazareth
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
                is the only thing Jesus asks of those he heals.
  1. money
  2. time
  3. faith
  4. prayers
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus is                 years old when his parents find him teaching in the Temple.
  1. 8
  2. 18
  3. 12
  4. 2
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Mary and Joseph take Jesus and flee to                .
  1. Turkey
  2. Greece
  3. Rome
  4. Egypt
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Mary Magdalene saw two                 at the tomb of Jesus.
  1. lions
  2. children
  3. demons
  4. angels
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is a great                 that brings happiness.
  1. burden
  2. miracle
  3. worry
  4. treasure
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus could not heal the blind.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
God became one of us when Jesus was born.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
An angel appeared to the             shepherds             and announced Jesus' birth.
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, which means "Place of the                ."
  1. darkness
  2. raven
  3. pain
  4. skull
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Elizabeth calls Mary                .
  1. blessed
  2. special
  3. young
  4. silly
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
The Old Testament is about the original Covenant God made with his Chosen People. The New Testament shows how         Jesus         fulfills the promises of the Covenant in the Old Testament.
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
        Jesus         fulfills God's promise to David that his descendants will rule Israel forever.
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Mary Magdalene thought the risen Jesus was the                 when she first saw him.
  1. angel
  2. solider
  3. gardener
  4. priest
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus taught through his miracles and            parables           .
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus is conceived by the power of the        Holy                Spirit         .
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