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Search Results for americans - All Grades

2171 questions match "americans". Refine Your Search

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Grade 2 US History
Whom does Labor Day honor?
  1. American workers
  2. American veterans
  3. American voters
  4. American children
Grade 7 Civil Rights
What group of people was not considered citizens until 1924?
  1. Irish Americans
  2. Chinese Americans
  3. African Americans
  4. American Indians
Grade 12 World War II
Which group of American citizens experienced internment camps during World War II?
  1. German Americans
  2. African Americans
  3. Latino Americans
  4. Japanese Americans
Grade 12 World War II
Which group of American citizens experienced internment camps during World War II?
  1. German Americans
  2. African Americans
  3. Latinos Americans
  4. Japanese Americans
Grade 3 Special Occasion Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. native american
  2. Native American
  3. Native american
Grade 8 Langston Hughes CCSS: CCRA.R.6, RL.8.6
The speaker of the poem is most likely?
  1. Caucasian
  2. Hispanic American
  3. Asian American
  4. African American
Grade 4 The Frontier
Who were the "Chilenos"?
  1. Native Americans
  2. Chinese
  3. Mexicans or Latin Americans
  4. Americans
Grade 11 Industrialization
ARU stands for?
  1. American Railway Union
  2. American Rent Union
  3. American Roadways Union
  4. American Risk Union
Grade 11 Reconstruction
Grade 4 American Revolution
Who hired the Hessian soldiers to fight the Revolutionary War?
  1. The Americans
  2. The French
  3. The Native Americans
  4. The British
Grade 6 Canada
Who explored and colonized Canada?
  1. Native Americans
  2. Americans
  3. British and French
  4. Vikings
Grade 6 Canada
Who explored and colonized Canada?
  1. Native Americans
  2. Americans
  3. British and French
  4. Vikings
Grade 9 Modern Era
Identify the fastest growing population group in the US in the 1990s
  1. African Americans
  2. Eastern Europeans
  3. White Americans
  4. Hispanics and Asian Americans
  5. Middle Easterners
Grade 4 Hawaii
Which ethnic group is most represented in Hawaii?
  1. African American
  2. Asian American
  3. Caucasian
  4. Hispanic
Grade 8 Music History
A "spiritual evolved from which group of Early Americans?
  1. African-American Slaves
  2. Native Americans
  3. Germans
Grade 7 Civil Rights
To which group of people was racial segregation primarily directed towards?
  1. Chinese
  2. Irish
  3. African Americans
  4. American Indians
Grade 1 Adjectives
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