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Search Results for magnetic - All Grades

624 questions match "magnetic". Refine Your Search

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Grade 12 Physics
What is the spatial region surrounding a magnet where the effects of magnetism are observed?
  1. Magnetic atmosphere
  2. Magnetic sphere
  3. Magnetic field
  4. Magnetic aura
Grade 9 Magnetism and Electricity
What is the area around a magnet in which it can exert a force called?
  1. magnetic domain
  2. magnetic area
  3. magnetic source
  4. magnetic field
Grade 8 Physics
Grade 12 Physics
What do magnetic field lines indicate?
  1. The direction of the magnetic force
  2. The temperature of the magnet
  3. The weight of the magnet
  4. The size of the magnet
Grade 12 Physics
What does the density of magnetic field lines represent?
  1. Temperature of the magnet
  2. Strength of the magnetic field
  3. Size of the magnet
  4. Weight of the magnet
Grade 6 Magnetism and Electricity
Grade 12 Physics
When is the potential energy U of a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field minimized?
  1. When the magnetic dipole is perpendicular to the magnetic field
  2. When the magnetic dipole is aligned with the magnetic field
  3. When the magnetic dipole is antiparallel to the magnetic field
  4. When the magnetic dipole is rotating
Grade 5 Magnetism and Electricity
What kind of magnet is a permanent magnet?
  1. temporary magnet
  2. bar magnet
  3. electromagnet
  4. field magnet
Grade 3 Magnetism and Electricity
Grade 3 Magnetism and Electricity
Grade 3 Magnetism and Electricity
Grade 12 Physics
The endpoints of a magnet are referred to as               .
  1. Terminal points
  2. Magnetic tips
  3. Magnetic poles
  4. Magnet ends
Grade 6 Magnetism and Electricity
A magnet that is hard to magnetize is called a(n)                  .
  1. temporary magnet
  2. ferromagnet
  3. permanent magnet
  4. none of the above
Kindergarten Basic Measurement Concepts
Kindergarten Counting and Comparing Numbers CCSS: K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.4b
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