Party Data (Grade 1)

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Party Data

Instructions: Ian is having a birthday party! The pictures show the number of party hats, cupcakes, and gifts at his party. Use the pictures to answer the questions.
General - Party Hat - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallGeneral - Party Hat - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallGeneral - Gift Box - SmallGeneral - Party Hat - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallGeneral - Gift Box - SmallGeneral - Gift Box - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallValentine's Day - Cup Cake - SmallGeneral - Party Hat - SmallGeneral - Party Hat - SmallGeneral - Party Hat - SmallGeneral - Gift Box - Small

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