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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Points, Lines, and Planes
Level: Grade 10
Standards: HSG-CO.C.9
Score: 1
Author: nsharp1
Created: 6 years ago

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Points, Lines, and Planes Question

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Grade 10 Points, Lines, and Planes CCSS: HSG-CO.C.9

Choose the correct missing reason from step 3.

Given the parallel lines [math]k[/math] and [math]m[/math], and transversal [math]t[/math], prove that [math]ang 1 ~= ang 7[/math].

Parallel Lines - Skew Transversal

[math] \ \ \ \ \ \ " Statement " \ \ \ \ \ \ [/math][math] " Reason "[/math]
[math]1. k " || " m[/math][math]1. "Given"[/math]
[math]2. ang 1 ~= ang 5[/math][math]2. "Corresponding angles are congruent"[/math]
[math]3. ang5 ~= ang 7 [/math][math]3. [/math]
[math]4. ang 1 ~= ang 7 [/math][math]4. "Substitution property of equality"[/math]
  1. Vertical angles are congruent
  2. Given
  3. Same side interior angles are congruent
  4. Supplementary angles are congruent
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