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This question is public and is used in 729 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Scientific Method
Level: Grade 9
Score: 14
Tags: Experiments
Author: jlovering
Last Modified: 5 years ago

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Scientific Method Question

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Grade 9 Scientific Method

Victoria grows the same bacteria in 20 petri dishes. She places 10 of the dishes in a container with a normal atmosphere. The remaining dishes she places in a container in which the oxygen level is double the normal level. She labels the first group "A" and the second group "B." Which statement best describes the groups?
  1. Group A is the control group; Group B is the experimental group.
  2. Group A is the experimental group; Group B is the control group.
  3. Group A is the hypothesis; Group B is the theory.
  4. Group A is the variable; Group B is the observation.
  5. Group A is the theoretical group; Group B is the hypothetical group.
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