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A Child Called It - Autobiography and Biography - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Why was David abused?
  1. It was for the fun
  2. His mom thought he was a bad boy
  3. It was his father's idea
  4. There wasn't enough food
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Which of these horrible things did David's mother not do to him?
  1. Stabbed him
  2. Electrocuted him
  3. Whacked him in the back of the legs with a broom
  4. Starved him
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Why does David have no friends?
  1. He doesn't want one
  2. He is mean
  3. He is a loaner
  4. He stole food
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Who was the author of this book?
  1. David Pelzer
  2. Amanda Sitrick
  3. Dr. Phil
  4. Judy Blume
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Why could David not get help?
  1. He was scared.
  2. His mom would beat him
  3. no one would help him
  4. both a and b
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Why does Dave want to finish washing the dishes as quickly as possible?
  1. So he can make his bed
  2. So he can finish his homework
  3. So he can eat his brother's leftover breakfast
  4. So he can play ball before school
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
What did David sleep on?
  1. Bed
  2. Cot
  3. Swing Set
  4. Floor
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Who was the first person david talked to about his situation?
  1. his neighbor
  2. his dad
  3. his teacher
  4. his aunt
Grade 8 A Child Called It
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