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A Wrinkle in Time - Science Fiction - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Sixth Grade (Grade 6)

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Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What punishment does Charles Wallace show Meg and Calvin in one of the small rooms?
  1. Time-out
  2. Electric shocks
  3. Physical exercise
  4. Bouncing a ball to a pulsing rhythm
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What does Meg note about unhappiness in response to Charles's praise of IT's system?
  1. It is irrelevant
  2. It is necessary for happiness
  3. It is a sign of weakness
  4. It should be avoided at all costs
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
How does Meg feel when one of the strange creatures touches her with its tentacle?
  1. Terrified
  2. Numb
  3. Warmth spreads through her body
  4. A sense of confusion
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What gift from Mrs. Whatsit does Meg encourage Calvin to use in an attempt to communicate with Charles Wallace?
  1. Time-travel ability
  2. Enhanced strength
  3. Ability to communicate
  4. Invisibility
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
While under the influence of IT, what does Charles Wallace claim about the identity of their friend and enemies?
  1. The Man with the Red Eyes is their enemy
  2. The Mrs. W's are their friends
  3. The Prime Coordinator is their friend
  4. IT is their friend
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What does Calvin tell Meg and her father to look at suddenly?
  1. A distant planet
  2. Strange creatures
  3. A mysterious portal
  4. A glowing light
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What does Charles Wallace suggest the children should do instead of searching for Mr. Murry?
  1. Turn themselves over to IT
  2. Continue their search
  3. Seek help from Mrs. W's
  4. Escape from Camazotz
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What does Mr. Murry do to help Meg regain sensation in her fingers?
  1. Rubs them gently
  2. Massages them vigorously
  3. Applies cold compress
  4. Ignores them
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
Where does Charles Wallace reveal Mr. Murry is trapped in one of the small cells?
  1. Transparent cylinder
  2. Dark cave
  3. Iron cage
  4. Wooden box
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
How do Meg and Calvin attempt to reach the real Charles Wallace trapped within IT's influence?
  1. Shouting at him
  2. Grabbing his arm
  3. Using a magical spell
  4. ffering a gift
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
How does Mr. Murry respond to Meg's angry outburst?
  1. Apologizes profusely
  2. Ignores her
  3. Comforts her
  4. Yells back at her
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
How does Charles Wallace open a transparent wall to reveal a small room in the corridor?
  1. Using a magical spell
  2. Waving his hand
  3. Reciting a poem
  4. Tapping a secret code
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
Why is Meg furious with her father when she regains consciousness?
  1. He left her behind on Camazotz
  2. He failed to rescue Charles Wallace
  3. He couldn't solve their difficulties
  4. All of the above
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
How do Meg and Charles escape from Camazotz after reuniting?
  1. Using a magical portal
  2. Running through a forest
  3. Tessering through the darkness
  4. Flying on a dragon
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What is Meg's initial response when she regains the ability to speak?
  1. Laughter
  2. Angry demand
  3. Joyful shout
  4. Grateful thanksgiving
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What does Charles initially claim about Mrs. Whatsit's feelings towards Meg?
  1. She loves her
  2. She hates her
  3. She is indifferent
  4. She fears her
Grade 6 A Wrinkle in Time
What is Meg impatient to know from her father and Calvin after waking up?
  1. The current date
  2. Information about Aunt Beast
  3. The color of the meal they are eating
  4. If they tried to summon the three Mrs. W's
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