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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Acids and Bases Questions

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Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Dilute and concentrated refer to                                        .
  1. the concentration of a solution
  2. how much water is added to the solution
  3. how high the boiling point is
  4. none of the above
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
A substance with a pH of 0 is a                .
  1. neutral
  2. strong acid
  3. strong base
  4. metal
  5. non-metal
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
What is the scale called that measures the strength of acids and bases?
  1. pH scale
  2. Acidity scale
  3. Corrosive scale
  4. Hydrogen scale
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Which of these is a proton donor?
  1. A buffer
  2. A base
  3. A water molecule
  4. An acid
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
If a substance is considered to be a base, that means it has which of the following set of properties?
  1. low concentration of H+ ions, has a pH value of 1 to 6
  2. low concentration of OH- ions, has a pH value of 1 to 6
  3. high concentration of H+ ions, has a pH value of 8 to 14
  4. high concentration of OH- ions, has a pH value of 8 to 14
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
A strong base is characterized by which of the following?
  1. A high concentration of hydrogen ions
  2. A high concentration of hydroxide ions
  3. A high pH
  4. A low pH
  5. Both b and c
  6. Both a and d
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
The pH scale is used to measure                       .
  1. How acidic a liquid is
  2. How basic a liquid is
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of the above
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