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Adaptations and Behavior Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
Ducks fly south for the winter. This behavior is an example of
  1. mimicry.
  2. migration.
  3. hibernation.
  4. camouflage.
Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
Bird Beak - BuzzardBird Beak - Curlew
Different types of bird beaks are an example of
  1. food webs.
  2. weathering.
  3. learned behaviors.
  4. physical adaptations.
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
The movement of an animal from one place to another as the seasons change is
  1. pollination.
  2. migration.
  3. hibernation.
  4. decomposition.
Grade 9 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 5 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 5 Adaptations and Behavior
The main purpose of an adaptation is to
  1. help an animal survive.
  2. get food.
  3. provide a habitat.
  4. change the animal's appearance.
Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
A physical adaptation that helps an animal hide from predators is a(n)
  1. adaptation.
  2. migration.
  3. camouflage.
  4. instinct.
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
Which would be a defensive adaptation for an animal?
  1. having fins
  2. having feathers
  3. being poisonous
  4. being darker in color
Grade 5 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
An adaptation is
  1. movement from one area to another.
  2. loss of a kind of living thing.
  3. a body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive.
  4. behavior that an animal is born with.
Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
What two adaptations do animals have to avoid being captured?
  1. mimicry and camouflage
  2. hibernation and mimicry
  3. camouflage and hibernation
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Which characteristic of living things best explains why birds fly south for the winter?
  1. Living things reproduce.
  2. Living things maintain internal balance.
  3. Living things respond to their environment.
  4. Living things are based on a universal genetic code.
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