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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Adaptations and Behavior Questions

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Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
The mechanism of bioluminescence lies in                       .
  1. chemical reactions
  2. physical bouncing
  3. temperature difference
  4. fluid density
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Sometimes ocean animals may spit out illuminant material to                               .
  1. confuse the predator
  2. light up the forward direction
  3. communicate with partners
  4. all of the above
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Which situation does not describe an innate behavior?
  1. an action present in an animal that has a very short life span
  2. an action that is genetically determined
  3. that webs of spiders are identical
  4. an action that is influenced by rewards
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Which is not a learned behavior?
  1. conditioning
  2. habituation
  3. imprinting
  4. reproduction
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
All the defenses are sea cucumbers defense mechanisms EXCEPT for what?
  1. toxic secretions
  2. evisceration
  3. excreting dark ink
  4. discharging sticky filaments
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Which is NOT a characteristic of imprinting?
  1. It occurs during a critical period.
  2. Its effects can be easily reversed.
  3. It is a form of learning.
  4. Its effects last for long periods of time.
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 11 Adaptations and Behavior
What would be an example of insight learning?
  1. a mouse eating some cheese that was found on the floor
  2. an elephant using its trunk to move a large tree out of the way
  3. a rat pulling a lever in order to receive a food reward
  4. a monkey stacking some boxes to reach a high food source
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