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Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Classic Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Which of the following is the primary influence on Tom Sawyer?
  1. His Aunt Polly
  2. Sunday school
  3. Adventure novels
  4. Abolitionist speeches
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Which character is the villain in the novel?
  1. Aunt Polly
  2. Huckleberry Finn
  3. Becky Thatcher
  4. Injun Joe
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
"Temperance" refers to the movement designed to abolish which of the following?
  1. Drinking alcohol
  2. Slavery
  3. School segregation
  4. Income taxes
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Why does Jim run away from Miss Watson's?
  1. She treats him poorly
  2. She is planning to sell him, which would separate him from his family
  3. He wants to see relatives in New Orleans
  4. He wants to help Huck escape his father
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
What event sets off the final gunfight between the Shepherdsons and the Grangerfords?
  1. The death of Harney Shepherdson
  2. The theft of the Grangerfords' cattle
  3. Sophia Grangerford's elopement with a Shepherdson
  4. An insult to Colonel Grangerford
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Who finally tells Huck that Pap is dead?
  1. Tom
  2. Aunt Polly
  3. Jim
  4. Sally Phelps
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.6.5
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Why does Tom show off the most?
  1. To impress Becky Thatcher
  2. To annoy Aunt Polly
  3. To look cool to Huckleberry Finn
  4. To seek revenge on others
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
On which river is the book set?
  1. Missouri River
  2. Mississippi River
  3. Delaware River
  4. Ohio River
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Which word best describes Tom at the beginning of the novel?
  1. Mischievous
  2. Obedient
  3. Honest
  4. Disgruntled
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Why do Tom, Huck and Joe run away to Jackson's Island?
  1. To become clowns
  2. To become pirates
  3. To make people miss them
  4. To start a new life
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer would best be described as:
  1. An historical fiction novel
  2. A coming of age novel
  3. A fiction novel
  4. A dramatic novel
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The novel is told from which point of view?
  1. First person
  2. Second person
  3. Third person limited
  4. Third person omniscient
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
What is the main conflict in the novel?
  1. Man vs. Self
  2. Man vs. Nature
  3. Man vs. Man
  4. Man vs. Society
Grade 11 Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Where does Huck go after Sherburn dispenses the lynch mob?
  1. To the police
  2. To the raft
  3. To the circus
  4. to the theater
Grade 6 Adventures of Tom Sawyer CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.6.3
Which word best describes Tom at the end of the novel?
  1. Mischievous
  2. Obedient
  3. Honest
  4. Disgruntled
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