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Africa and Middle East Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Golden Age
Grade 7 Golden Age
The Mali Empire reached its height under which king?
  1. Ezana
  2. Ewuare
  3. Mansa Musa
  4. Sundiata Keita
Grade 9 African Imperialism
Grade 6 Golden Age
What three empires in western Africa flourished because of the trans-Saharan trade of gold and salt?
  1. Mali, Axum, Zimbabwe
  2. Ghana, Mali, Songhai
  3. Axum, Ethiopia, Ghana
  4. Timbuktu, Ethiopia, Mali
Grade 6 Golden Age
Grade 9 African Imperialism
Which European leader personally claimed the Congo Free State as his own?
  1. Otto von Bismarck
  2. Benjamin Disraeli
  3. Leopold II
  4. Napoleon III
Grade 6 Modern Africa and Mid East
Who was the first black president of South Africa?
  1. Desmond Tutu
  2. Barack Obama
  3. Nelson Mandela
  4. F. W. DeClerk
Grade 11 Modern Africa and Mid East
Egypt gained control over the Gaza Strip after what event?
  1. World War II
  2. Six-Day War
  3. Yom Kippur War
  4. 1948 Arab–Israeli War
Grade 12 Modern Africa and Mid East
Tigray is a region in what country?
  1. Egypt
  2. Somalia
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Tanzania
Grade 11 Modern Africa and Mid East
Prior to World War I, who controlled the Gaza Strip?
  1. Egypt
  2. England
  3. Ottoman Empire
  4. Austro-Hungarian Empire
Grade 7 Golden Age
Grade 7 Golden Age
Who was first ruler of the Songhai Empire?
  1. Sunni Ali
  2. Muhammed Ali
  3. Sunni Luke
  4. Mansa Musa
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