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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) African Geography Questions

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Grade 4 African Geography
Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest mountain, is a dormant volcano.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 African Geography
What is the largest non-polar desert?
  1. Gobi
  2. Sahara
  3. Kalahari
  4. Sonoran
Grade 4 African Geography
The River that flows through Egypt is?
  1. The Niger
  2. The Danube River
  3. The Congo River
  4. The Nile River
Grade 4 African Geography
Where do most people live in Egypt?
  1. near the Nile River
  2. near the Amazon River
  3. near the Mediterranean Sea
  4. near the Red Sea
Grade 4 African Geography
Why is the Nile River so important to Egypt?
  1. It separates two warring countries.
  2. It separates the Atlas Mountains.
  3. Most of Egypt is a desert.
  4. Most of Egypt is mountainous.
Grade 4 African Geography
What is the name of Africa's greatest mountain range?
  1. the Amazon
  2. the Andes
  3. the Atlas
  4. the Alps
Grade 4 African Geography
The Nile delta is perfect for                 .
  1. Farming
  2. Gold Mining
  3. Scuba Diving
  4. Deep sea fishing
Grade 4 African Geography
An African mountain climber would practice on                .
  1. the Himalayas
  2. the Alps
  3. the Andes
  4. the Atlas
Grade 4 African Geography
Which major mountain range meets the Atlantic Ocean?
  1. the Himalayas
  2. the Andes
  3. the Alps
  4. the Atlas
Grade 4 African Geography
South Africa has      9     provinces.
Grade 4 African Geography
Name the countries that lie in South Africa but are not part of South Africa.
Grade 4 African Geography
Name the provinces in South Africa.
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