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College American Culture Questions

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College Seasons and Holidays
Who wrote the book "How The Grinch Stole Christmas?"
  1. Dr. Who
  2. Dr. Seuss
  3. Dr. Obrien
  4. Dr. Bradyy
College Seasons and Holidays
The first things the Grinch steals are
  1. Stockings
  2. Popcorn
  3. Shoes
  4. Presents
College Seasons and Holidays
The Grinch hates Christmas most of all because
  1. he hates the Whos
  2. his heart was two sizes too small
  3. his shoes are too tight
  4. his head wasn't screwed on right
College Seasons and Holidays
The name of the mountain Mr. Grinch climbed was
  1. Mt. Everest
  2. Mt. Seuss
  3. Mt. Trimmings
  4. Mt. Crumpit
College Seasons and Holidays
Mr. Grinch's dog's name is
  1. Fred
  2. Max
  3. Jim
  4. Beast
College Seasons and Holidays
Who's live in
  1. Whotown
  2. Who forrest
  3. Whoville
  4. Mt. Crumpit
College Seasons and Holidays
In the end, the Grinch
  1. cuts the roast beast
  2. goes home
  3. meets Santa Claus
  4. opens the presents
College Seasons and Holidays
The Grinch is what color
  1. Blue
  2. Aqua
  3. Green
  4. Red
College Seasons and Holidays
Cindy Lou Who was no more than
  1. FIVE
  2. ELVEN
  3. FOUR
  4. TWO
College Seasons and Holidays
The Grinch is what color
  1. BLUE
  2. AQUA
  3. GREEN
  4. RED
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