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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Anatomical Organization Questions

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Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
The transverse plane divides the body                                         .
  1. diagonally
  2. horizontally
  3. vertically, into front and back portions
  4. vertically, into left and right portions
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
In anatomical position,                                                                                                                                       .
  1. the body is erect with the feet parallel and the arms lateral to the thoracic and abdominal regions, with the palms facing posteriorly
  2. the body is prone with the feet parallel and the arms lateral to the thoracic and abdominal regions, with the palms facing posteriorly
  3. the body is supine with the feet parallel and the arms lateral to the thoracic and abdominal regions, with the palms facing anteriorly
  4. the body is erect with the feet parallel and the arms lateral to the thoracic and abdominal regions, with the palms facing anteriorly
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Which orientation terms have opposite meanings?
  1. superficial and proximal
  2. distal and proximal
  3. medial and distal
  4. medial and anterior
  5. posterior and intermediate
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Which order of the level of organization of life is correct?
  1. molecule, cell, organism, macromolecule, organelle, tissue, organ
  2. organ, tissue, organism, molecule, cell, organ system
  3. atom, molecule, macromolecule, organelle, cell, tissue
  4. cell, organ, tissue, organism, molecule, atom
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
What is the study of the structures of the human body?
  1. histology
  2. physiology
  3. anatomy
  4. cytology
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
The ovary is part of which two systems?
  1. reproductive and endocrine systems
  2. digestive and endocrine systems
  3. reproductive and respiratory systems
  4. digestive and respiratory systems
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
The anatomical position is characterized by these features except                         .
  1. body erect
  2. arms at sides
  3. palms turned posteriorly
  4. thumbs pointed laterally
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
The term "medial" refers to a position on the body that is
  1. closer to the midline.
  2. closer to the midaxillary line.
  3. farther away from the midaxillary line.
  4. farther away from the midline.
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
This contains the cranial and vertebral cavities.
  1. ventral cavity
  2. parietal serosa
  3. dorsal cavity
  4. visceral serosa
Grade 12 Anatomical Organization
Proximal is defined as
  1. away from the middle.
  2. closest to the middle.
  3. farthest from the center.
  4. nearest to the point of attachment.
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