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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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Grade 10 Circulatory and Immune Systems
The circulatory system is composed of the                                .
  1. lungs, heart, and brain
  2. lungs, blood vessels, and heart
  3. heart, blood, and blood vessels
  4. heart, arteries, and veins
Grade 10 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The sweat glands, kidneys, and urinary bladder are part of the                   .
  1. digestive system
  2. respiratory system
  3. endocrine system
  4. excretory system
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 10 Human Reproduction
Fertilization usually occurs in the
  1. ovary.
  2. Fallopian tubes.
  3. vagina.
  4. uterus.
Grade 10 Circulatory and Immune Systems
What is hemoglobin?
  1. the oxygen-carrying molecule of a red blood cell
  2. the oxygen-storing molecule of muscle cells
  3. a layer of fat cells between the skin and muscle of marine mammals
  4. the rounded, fat-filled region of a toothed whale's forehead
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The division of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord is the
  1. central nervous system.
  2. peripheral nervous system.
  3. axial nervous system.
  4. appendicular nervous system.
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The division of the nervous system containing all of the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord is the
  1. central nervous system.
  2. peripheral nervous system.
  3. axial nervous system.
  4. appendicular nervous system.
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 10 Human Reproduction
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 10 Human Reproduction
Identify the male sex hormone.
  1. estrogen
  2. progesterone
  3. testosterone
  4. collagen
Grade 10 Circulatory and Immune Systems
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The overall function of the body's nervous system is
  1. processing nutrients and removing waste.
  2. providing structural support and movement.
  3. regulating transportation and defense mechanisms.
  4. coordinating communication, integration, and regulation.
Grade 10 Circulatory and Immune Systems
Grade 10 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Identify the correct path of urine in the human body.
  1. Kidney → urinary bladder → urethra → ureter
  2. Urinary bladder → ureter → kidney → urethra
  3. Kidney → ureter → urethra → urinary bladder
  4. Kidney → ureter → urinary bladder → urethra
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 10 Human Reproduction
Which male reproductive structure releases sperm into the urethra?
  1. prostrate gland
  2. testis
  3. vas deferens
  4. epididymis
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