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Animal Farm - Classic Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 10 Animal Farm
Grade 8 Animal Farm
In Animal Farm, by George Orwell, why does Old Major call a meeting with the other animals of the farm?
  1. To inform the animals about his dream
  2. To tell the animals to sing more
  3. To tell the animals to work harder
  4. To inform the animals how nice humans are
Grade 10 Animal Farm
How are the lives of the animals during the first year of living on their own?
  1. The animals are starving and are working 60 hours a week
  2. The animals are working hard and are happy with their lives
  3. The animals want the humans to return to the farm
  4. The animals want to leave the farm because of the conditions
Grade 9 Animal Farm
                   is the author of Animal Farm.
  1. George Orwell
  2. John Steinbeck
  3. Harper Lee
  4. William Shakespeare
  5. none of the above
Grade 9 Animal Farm
The least intelligent animals on the farm are                  .
  1. the horses
  2. the pigs
  3. the sheep
  4. the dogs
  5. none of the above
Grade 9 Animal Farm
The most intelligent animals on the farm are
  1. the horses
  2. the pigs
  3. the sheep
  4. the dogs
  5. none of the above
Grade 10 Animal Farm
. What happens when Snowball and Napoleon disagree?
  1. Snowball is asked to leave the farm
  2. Napoleon and Snowball decide that it is best for Snowball to leave the farm
  3. Snowball is forced to leave the farm by Napoleon’s dogs
  4. Snowball happily leaves the farm
Grade 9 Animal Farm
When the novel opens, the name of the farm is                  .
  1. Manor Farm
  2. Clover Farm
  3. Animal Farm
  4. Jones' Farm
  5. none of the above
Grade 9 Animal Farm
Which animal voluntarily leaves the farm?
  1. Mollie
  2. Boxer
  3. Squealer
  4. Napoleon
  5. none of the above
Grade 10 Animal Farm
Why is the song “Beasts of England” banned from the farm?
  1. The song is a happy song and the animals don’t need to be happy
  2. The song is an unhappy song and the animals don’t need to be sad
  3. The song ridicules Napoleon, their respected leader of the farm
  4. The song speaks of rebellion, and Napoleon doesn’t want them to rebel
Grade 9 Animal Farm
What is Farmer Jones's main vice?
  1. lust
  2. alcohol
  3. gambling
  4. cigars
Grade 10 Animal Farm
What are we led to believe will happen to the lives of the animals at the end of the novel?
  1. The animals’ lives will get worse
  2. The animals’ lives will get better
  3. The animals will not starve anymore
  4. The animals will leave the farm for a better life
Grade 10 Animal Farm
What do the animals realize at the final dinner?
  1. The animals’ and humans’ faces are the same
  2. They are actually free animals
  3. The pigs are starving along with the animals
  4. Squealer is actually in charge of the farm
Grade 9 Animal Farm
Eventually, when it becomes apparent that many of the animals are unable to memorize all of the commandments, they are reduced to a single essential maxim:
  1. For the glory of Animal Farm.
  2. Four legs good, two legs bad.
  3. Remember the Battle of the Cowshed.
  4. Napoleon is always right.
Grade 9 Animal Farm
As the novel opens, which character is the leader of the animals on the farm?
  1. Napoleon
  2. Snowball
  3. Boxer
  4. Old Major
  5. none of the above
Grade 10 Animal Farm
What does Boxer constantly say throughout the novel?
  1. “The work is too hard”
  2. “Animals Unite!”
  3. “I must work harder”
  4. “I like ribbons”
Grade 10 Animal Farm
What form of propaganda does Napoleon typically use?
  1. Card-stacking
  2. Assertion
  3. Band-wagon
  4. Fear
Grade 10 Animal Farm
What new Commandment replaces all of the former Commandments?
  1. “Four legs good, two legs better”
  2. “Two legs good, four legs better”
  3. “All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
  4. “All animals are equal, but the pigs are the best”
Grade 9 Animal Farm
The new philosophy adopted by the animals is called                  .
  1. communism
  2. socialism
  3. animalism
  4. humanism
  5. none of the above
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