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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Animal Husbandry Questions

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Grade 12 Animal Husbandry
Which breed of pig has the motto, "The Mother Pig and a Whole Lot More"?
  1. Hampshire
  2. Poland China
  3. Duroc
  4. Yorkshire
Grade 12 Animal Husbandry
Young growing pigs and lactating pigs should not be fed forages as the largest percentage of their diet
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Animal Husbandry
All piglets are born with what condition?
  1. blind
  2. deaf
  3. anemic
  4. crippled
Grade 12 Animal Husbandry
Which feedstuff is most commonly used to meet energy requirements in pig feed?
  1. soybean
  2. forage
  3. corn
  4. silage
Grade 12 Animal Husbandry
Which feedstuff is commonly used to meet amino acid requirements in pig feed?
  1. soybean
  2. forage
  3. corn
  4. silage
Grade 12 Animal Husbandry
Which swine operation do most show pig operations model?
  1. finishing
  2. feeder
  3. sow-herd
  4. stocker
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