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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Antonyms Questions

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Grade 9 Antonyms
What is another word for FOE?
  1. friend
  2. fight
  3. enemy
  4. roommate
Grade 9 Antonyms
clumsy, graceful
  1. synonyms
  2. antonyms
Grade 9 Antonyms
generous, stingy
  1. synonyms
  2. antonyms
Grade 9 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.9-10.5b
The antonym of optimist
  1. Confiscate
  2. Pessimist
  3. Prosecute
  4. Beacon
Grade 9 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.9-10.5b
Find the antonym of:
  1. Constant
  2. Noble
  3. Collide
  4. Blossom
Grade 9 Antonyms
All are types of skin wounds except:
  1. incision
  2. lacerations
  3. burns
  4. abrasions
Grade 9 Antonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.9-10.5b
Find the antonym for:

  1. Foul
  2. Tidy
  3. Distract
  4. Noble
Grade 9 Antonyms
An antonym of courageous is
  1. brave
  2. stoic
  3. annoying
  4. cowardly
Grade 9 Antonyms
What is an antonym for DROSS?
  1. trash
  2. clean
  3. decrease
  4. shrink
Grade 9 Antonyms
Identify the antonym for EXPEDIENT.
  1. contrivance
  2. serviceable
  3. untimely
  4. device
Grade 9 Antonyms
Which of the following is a antonym for aquifer?
  1. dry dessert
  2. water source
  3. underground river
  4. natural spring
Grade 9 Antonyms
Grade 9 Antonyms
Which of the following is an antonym of destitute?
  1. impoverished
  2. institute
  3. wealthy
  4. content
Grade 9 Antonyms
An antonym for tyrannous:
  1. kind and forgiving
  2. a cruel ruler
  3. a king or queen.
  4. none of the above
Grade 9 Antonyms
The best antonym for chaotic is:
  1. Safe
  2. Disorganized
  3. Calm and orderly.
  4. None of the above
Grade 9 Antonyms
Which is NOT an example of something that can "recede"?
  1. an ocean's tide
  2. a flower's growth
  3. a person's gumline
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