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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Apostrophes Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 5 Apostrophes questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
  1. Alisons dog can do tricks.
  2. Alison's dog can do tricks.
  3. Alisons' dog can do tricks.
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Insert apostrophes in the following sentences.

a) Its a beautiful day.

b) The handle on my teachers briefcase is broken.

c) James book is sure to be a best seller.

d) I cant understand why they arent here yet.

e) Australias climate is one of its major attractions.

f) Its a pity its garden is so neglected.

g) Lets see if youre right.

h) The singers voices blended beautifully.
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

My                 rooms are always a mess.
  1. sister's
  2. sisters'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

The                 tail was wagging.
  1. puppy's
  2. puppies'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

That                 ears are huge.
  1. elephant's
  2. elephants'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

The three                 shirts were all the same color.
  1. friend's
  2. friends'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

All the                 uniforms got dirty at the game.
  1. boy's
  2. boys'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

One of that                 wheels fell off.
  1. wagon's
  2. wagons'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

The teacher looked at all the                 work and chose the best artist.
  1. student's
  2. students'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

My                 birthday is next week.
  1. brother's
  2. brothers'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

In the forest, all the                 branches were waving in the wind.
  1. tree's
  2. trees'
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank.

Where have I seen that                 face before?
  1. girl's
  2. girls'
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