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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Area Questions

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Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.6
Given the following measurements for trapezoid ABCD, what is the area?

AD = 4 cm
BC = 2 cm
Height = 5 cm

Trapezoid ABCD
  1. 8 square centimeters
  2. 15 square centimeters
  3. 10 square centimeters
  4. 30 square centimeters
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.6
Why would you use the formula A = bh?
  1. To get the area of a triangle
  2. To get the area of a circle
  3. To get the area of a parallelogram
  4. To get the perimeter of a square
Grade 7 Area
Which of the following has the largest area?
A circle with a diameter of 10 inches
A rectangle that measures 12 inches by 11 inches
A circle with a radius of 6 inches
A square that is 11 inches on each side
  1. Circle with a diameter of 10 inches
  2. Rectangle that measures 12 inches by 11 inches
  3. Circle with a radius of 6 inches
  4. Square that is 11 inches on each side
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.4
What is the area of the circle if BC = 6?
Composite Shapes 12
  1. [math]6pi[/math]
  2. [math]9pi[/math]
  3. [math]24pi[/math]
  4. [math]36pi[/math]
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.6
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.6
The trapezoid pictured has a height of 3 cm. The first base is 5 cm and the second base is 3 cm. What is the area?
Trapezoid - Color
  1. 21 square centimeters
  2. 12 square centimeters
  3. 120 Square centimeters
  4. 210 Square centimeters
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.6
What is the area of a triangle with height 8 inches and base 2 inches?
  1. 8 square inches
  2. 2 square inches
  3. 16 square inches
  4. 6 square inches
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.A.1
The length of each side of a square is 5 meters. If the lengths of the sides of the square are doubled, which statement is true about the new area of the square?
Square ABCD
  1. The new area is 2 times the old area.
  2. The new area is 4 times the old area.
  3. The new area is 5 times the old area.
  4. The new area is 10 times the old area.
Grade 7 Area CCSS: 7.G.B.4
The length of a line drawn A to C is 8. What is the area of the circle?
Composite Shapes 11
  1. [math]4pi[/math]
  2. [math]8pi[/math]
  3. [math]16pi[/math]
  4. [math]64pi[/math]
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