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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Arts Questions

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Grade 10 Music
The order of sharps as they appear for scales is:
Grade 10 Scales
The sharps or flats at the beginning of a line of music is called the:
  1. key measure
  2. key time
  3. key largo
  4. key signature
Grade 10 Theater
What is a protagonist?
  1. the good guy
  2. the main character
  3. the secondary character
  4. the character who plays tag
  5. the oldest character
Grade 10 Musical Terms
The term for "the end" is:
  1. find
  2. finde
  3. fine
  4. fina
Grade 10 Ceramics
Clay that has been fired once but not glazed.
  1. vessel
  2. texture
  3. bisqued
  4. fired
Grade 10 Visual Arts
The way we show objects in relation to one another; size, shape, etc.
  1. Proportion
  2. Gesture
  3. Linerar Perspective
  4. Sketch
Grade 10 Ceramics
Grade 10 Theater
Talk between or among characters is:
  1. dialogue
  2. a monologue
  3. speech
  4. setting
Grade 10 Drawing
Which technique can be used to show the illusion of depth?
  1. Linear perspective
  2. Shading/Value
  3. Overlapping
  4. All the above
Grade 10 Drawing
This work of art is dominated by several elements and principles of art. What are they?
  1. Primary colors
  2. Shapes, forms, and texture.
  3. Lines, shapes, contrast, and repetition.
  4. Landscapes, squares, black and white.
Grade 10 Ceramics
Grade 10 Musical Terms
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