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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Asian History Questions

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Grade 10 Modern China
Tiananmen Square is located in which city?
  1. Xian
  2. Beijing
  3. Shanghi
  4. Chengdu
Grade 10 Modern China
The protests in 1989 occurred after the death of which communist leader?
  1. Zhou Enlai
  2. Mao Zedong
  3. Hu Yaobang
  4. Deng Xiaoping
Grade 10 Modern China
Grade 10 Dynastic China
Why did Han emperors institute the civil service exam?
  1. to find the most qualified officials
  2. to give special privileges to the sons of nobles
  3. to give peasants a chance to serve their government
  4. to discourage applicants from civil service jobs
Grade 10 Modern China
Grade 10 Modern China
Grade 10 Other Asia
Grade 10 Dynastic China
Grade 10 Modern China
Grade 10 India
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