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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Astronomy Questions

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Grade 10 Universe
There are three fundamental points to the Big Bang theory. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  1. The universe is expanding and has always been expanding.
  2. In the beginning, the universe was crammed into a space smaller then the period at the end of this sentence.
  3. The universe is cooling as it expands.
  4. The universe is accelerating at a constant rate as it expands.
Grade 10 Universe
According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe is roughly how old?
  1. 13.8 thousand years old
  2. 13.8 million years old
  3. 13.8 billion years old
  4. 13.8 trillion years old
Grade 10 Universe
Edwin Hubble helped provide evidence of the big bang theory by doing what?
  1. Building the Hubble telescope.
  2. Showing that galaxies are moving away from us, so the universe is expanding.
  3. Showing that some galaxies are getting closer to us, some are moving away.
  4. Discovering how to measure long distances.
Grade 10 Universe
The                       is the most widely accepted theory for how the universe began.
  1. Plate Tectonic Theory
  2. Big Bang Theory
  3. Steady-State Theory
  4. Solar System Theory
Grade 10 Inner Planets
Mars is 1.5 astronomical units from the sun. If the planets are lined up like the image below, which of the following is true? (The image below may not be to scale)
  1. Earth is always closer to the Sun then it is to Mars.
  2. Mars is twice the distance to the Sun then Earth is.
  3. Mars is half the distance to Earth then the Earth is to the Sun.
  4. Mars is 1.5 light years away from the Earth.
Grade 10 The Moon
The moon gets its light from                                .
  1. nuclear reactions from its core
  2. the Sun
  3. radioactive element
  4. none of the above
Grade 10 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is the difference between meteor and meteorite?
  1. A meteor is moving through Earth's atmosphere and the meteorite actually lands on Earth.
  2. Meteors are made up of carbon, while meteorites are made of ice
  3. A meteorite is moving through the Earth's atmosphere and the meteor actually lands on Earth.
  4. They are just the same.
Grade 10 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
The biggest asteroid known is what?
  1. Ceres
  2. Eros
  3. Icarus
  4. Vesta
Grade 10 The Moon
What is the phase of the Moon when 100% of it is lit up?
  1. Crescent Moon
  2. Gibbous Moon
  3. Full Moon
  4. New Moon
Grade 10 Planetary Motion
Eccentricity refers to what?
  1. the wobble of Earth as it spins
  2. the shift in the direction of the axis spin
  3. the cycles of ice ages and warming periods
  4. the elliptical shape of Earth's orbit
Grade 10 Stars
A star that we observe is accelerating away from us at an increasing rate. How does this effect the spectral light image?
  1. It interferes with equipment, creating blurry and unreadable images.
  2. It shifts all the spectral lines to the red side of the spectrum.
  3. It shifts all the spectral lines to the blue side of the spectrum.
  4. It compressed the sound that the spectral images make, making it sound higher pitched.
Grade 10 Stars
Spectral light images like the one below are used primarily to what?
  1. Identify elements that stars are composed of.
  2. See how big a star is.
  3. Tell how far away a star is.
  4. Identify how many planets a star has orbiting it.
Grade 10 The Moon
What do we call a phase of the Moon when less than half of it is lit up?
  1. Crescent Moon
  2. Gibbous Moon
  3. Full Moon
  4. New Moon
Grade 10 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 10 Stars
What is the most important factor when determining whether or not a star is going to explode in a supernova?
  1. The star's temperature.
  2. The star's color.
  3. The star's size.
  4. The star's elemental composition.
Grade 10 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Why is a meteorite different from a comet?
  1. It enters the Earth's atmosphere.
  2. It has a tail of ice and gas.
  3. It has a nucleus mad of rock and snow.
  4. It is found in orbit between Jupiter and Mars.
Grade 10 The Moon
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