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Third Grade (Grade 3) Astronomy Questions

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Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The path an object takes as it revolves around another object in space is called               .
  1. rotation
  2. revolution
  3. orbit
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
How long does it take Earth to orbit the Sun?
  1. 88 days
  2. 365 days
  3. 12 years
  4. 29.5 years
Grade 3 Inner Planets
Which planet is closest to the Sun?
  1. Mars
  2. Venus
  3. Uranus
  4. Mercury
Grade 3 Sun
Which of the following is closest to the center of the solar system?
  1. Sun
  2. Moon
  3. Asteroid Belt
  4. Saturn's Rings
Grade 3 Solar System
There are                 known planets in our solar system.
  1. seven
  2. eight
  3. five
  4. two
Grade 3 Inner Planets
All of the following are inner planets EXCEPT which one?
  1. Venus
  2. Mars
  3. Neptune
  4. Earth
Grade 3 The Moon
What does the Moon revolve around?
  1. Earth
  2. Mars
  3. Venus
Grade 3 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What comes between the inner and outer planets?
  1. an asteroid belt
  2. the Milky Way
  3. the Sun
  4. Titan
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The movement of an object around another planet is called                .
  1. rotation
  2. revolving
  3. gravity
  4. solar energy
Grade 3 Sun
Which object is located most closely to center of the solar system?
  1. Earth
  2. the Moon
  3. the Sun
  4. Venus
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Which of these words is the name for the imaginary line around which Earth rotates?
  1. sun
  2. axis
  3. model
Grade 3 Inner Planets
Mercury is NOT the hottest planet in the solar system.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
All planets have only one moon.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Outer Planets
All of the following are outer planets EXCEPT which one?
  1. Saturn
  2. Triton
  3. Jupiter
  4. Uranus
Grade 3 Solar System
The diagram shows our                .
Solar System
  1. galaxy
  2. universe
  3. solar system
Grade 3 Solar System
The solar system consists of                 known planets.
  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 6
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Does Earth revolve or rotate around the Sun?
  1. revolve
  2. rotate
Grade 3 Sun
What is the Sun?
  1. A white hole
  2. A plant
  3. A star
Grade 3 The Moon
A                 moon is when the Moon appears to be "shrinking" in size.
  1. waning
  2. waxing
Grade 3 Outer Planets
What do Saturn and Uranus have in common?
  1. ring of dust
  2. both are blue
  3. both have trees
  4. ring of fire
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