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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Astronomy Questions

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Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Earth is kept in orbit around the Sun by                                     .
  1. its speed and distance from the Sun
  2. inertia and gravity
  3. its shape and size
  4. electricity and magnetism
Grade 9 Universe
Grade 9 Universe
A galaxy that is moving toward Earth will show                            .
  1. a decrease in brightness
  2. an increase in light years
  3. a blueshift in the spectrum
  4. a redshift in the spectrum
Grade 9 Space Exploration
Grade 9 Outer Planets
The rings of the planet pictured below are mainly made of what?
Planet Saturn - Small
  1. water ice
  2. helium gas
  3. liquid hydrogen
  4. frozen carbon dioxide
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Grade 9 Sun
What lies at the center of our solar system?
  1. the Sun
  2. Mars
  3. Earth
  4. the Moon
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Planets that are close to the Sun
  1. move through the asteroid belt.
  2. orbit faster than the outer planets.
  3. orbit slower than the outer planets.
  4. move closer and closer to the Sun.
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
How are asteroids formed?
  1. They were formed when the solar system was formed.
  2. The planets' gravity pull them in and they start orbiting the sun.
  3. They are smaller portions of meteorites.
  4. They are smaller portions of comets.
Grade 9 Stars
Which star below blows up in a supernova explosion?
  1. low mass star
  2. medium mass star
  3. massive star
Grade 9 Inner Planets
When the solar system formed, which planets lost most of their gases to the Sun?
  1. the inner planets
  2. the comets
  3. the outer planets
  4. the asteroids
Grade 9 Universe
Grade 9 Outer Planets
A characteristic of the outer planets is                               .
  1. they have many moons and rings
  2. they have rocky surfaces
  3. they are small in size
  4. none of the above
Grade 9 Stars
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
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