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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Atmosphere Questions

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Grade 6 Atmosphere
What is weather?
  1. An area's long-term weather pattern
  2. The state of the atmosphere at a given place or time
  3. Large volume of air that has similar characteristics of temperature and water vapor content
  4. When large air masses of different density, moisture, and temperature meet
Grade 6 Atmosphere
What is the definition of climate?
  1. An area's long term weather pattern
  2. The state of the atmosphere at a given place and time
  3. When large air masses of different density, moisture, and temperature meet
  4. Large volume of air that has similar characteristics of temperature and water vapor content
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Moisture that falls to the ground is
  1. condensation.
  2. precipitation.
  3. evaporation.
  4. clouds.
Grade 6 Atmosphere
What protects Earth from ultraviolet radiation?
  1. space between Earth and the Sun
  2. the carbon dioxide layer
  3. the ozone layer
  4. the asteroid belt
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Which measures air pressure?
  1. Barometer
  2. Thermometer
  3. Anemometer
Grade 6 Atmosphere
What would the following symbol indicate on a weather map?
Symbol - Stationary Front
  1. Cold Front
  2. Warm Front
  3. Occluded Front
  4. Stationary Front
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
  1. plants
  2. animals
  3. electrical outlets
  4. the Sun
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Grade 6 Atmosphere
The two main factors to describe a region's climate are
  1. temperature and precipitation.
  2. precipitation and weather.
  3. season and temperature.
  4. winds and temperature.
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Grade 6 Atmosphere
What of Earth's spheres is composed of a mixture of gases?
  1. geosphere
  2. hydrosphere
  3. atmosphere
  4. biosphere
Grade 6 Atmosphere
What is a cloud?
  1. A large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals.
  2. A bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm.
  3. Air in motion.
  4. A violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground.
Grade 6 Atmosphere
The atmosphere is
  1. the layer in which weather occurs.
  2. the layer that contains the ozone layer.
  3. the layer of water in the oceans.
  4. the layer of gases that surrounds Earth.
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Grade 6 Atmosphere
When convection occurs in the atmosphere
  1. cold air rises and warm air sinks.
  2. warm air rises and cold air sinks.
  3. warm air rises and cold air rises.
  4. both cold and warm air sink.
Grade 6 Atmosphere
Why is the ozone layer of Earth's atmosphere very important?
  1. It makes oxygen.
  2. It helps keep out bugs.
  3. It helps block some of the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Grade 6 Atmosphere
A warm front often brings
  1. cirrus clouds.
  2. fair conditions.
  3. cool weather.
  4. steady rain.
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