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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Australian Geography Questions

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Grade 10 Australian Geography
Australia has been nicknamed "the land down under" due to what geographical feature?
  1. Tropic of Cancer
  2. Continent of South America
  3. Equator
  4. South Pole
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is Australia's national capital?
  1. Sydney
  2. Brisbane
  3. Melbourne
  4. Canberra
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What single city contains about 20% of the residence of its entire continent?
  1. Sydney, Australia
  2. New York City, New York
  3. Honolulu, Hawaii
  4. All of the Above
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Which Australian state is NOT located on the continent?
  1. New Territory
  2. Queensland
  3. Tasmania
  4. Victoria
Grade 10 Australian Geography

Match the following facts and information with the correct title. (Words include: Aid, communication, culture, defence, migration, tourism, trade, sport)

1.                 Communication                 = Australian technological developments are found throughout the world and take many forms, designed to tackle regional and global problems. E.g. of Australian in invention include the bionic ear, black box flight recorder, voice transmission for internet, 'face cam' sports television and 'stump cam'.
2.         Trade         = Despite our relatively small role in this link (approx. 1.4%), we rely on these links to promote economic development. In 2011, China was our dominant export market for goods with $71.5b, followed by Japan, Korea and India
3.         Sport         = There have been recent concerns about lower levels of involvement in this link, particularly in the decline of fitness levels for children and the rise of obesity. However, Australia still has a high participation rate in this link. Approximately 39% of the Australian public are active in this link at some levels, and this compares favourably with international competitors.
4.       Aid       = Australia's program for this link focuses on governance, health, education, agriculture, rural development and infrastructure. In 2013/14 Australia aims to provide around $900 million over 4 years in new initiatives.
5.           Culture           = Since European settlement, Australia's traditional link were Anglo-Saxon and Christian. Contemporary relations between Australia and our neighbours are now many and varied including many institutes. Global links are especially noted in events link the Melbourne's Comedy Festival, Sydney's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's day and Chinese New Year Celebration.
6.           Defence           = Australia will spend over $52.6m over 3 years. We have established strong ties and this link and its economic interests are lined strongly to the security and stability of the Asia-Pacific region.
7.             Migration             = Nearly 8% of Australia's 23m people over the age of 15, were born overseas. Many residents of Australia, or children, due to their parents, are in Australia because of this link.
8.           Tourism           = Australia's cultural links to tis region are reflected in the number of Australians' going overseas and, in turn, the thousands of overseas [this link] visiting Australia each year.
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is the capital city of Western Australia?
  1. Perth
  2. Brisbane
  3. Hobart
  4. Adelaide
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What name was first given to Australia?
  1. New England
  2. New Netherlands
  3. New Madrid
  4. New South Wales
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is the capital city of Tasmania?
  1. Sydney
  2. Hobart
  3. Perth
  4. Darwin
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is the capital city of Queensland?
  1. Sydney
  2. Adelaide
  3. Brisbane
  4. Darwin
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is the capital city of South Australia?
  1. Adelaide
  2. Perth
  3. Hobart
  4. Darwin
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is the capital city of New South Wales?
  1. Darwin
  2. Hobart
  3. Adelaide
  4. Sydney
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is the capital city of Victoria?
  1. Sydney
  2. Hobart
  3. Brisbane
  4. Melbourne
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What two Australian states does the Murray River divide?
  1. South Australia & Queensland
  2. New South Wales & Queensland
  3. New South Wales & Victoria
  4. South Australia & Victoria
Grade 10 Australian Geography
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