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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Author's Purpose Questions

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Grade 4 Author's Purpose
You just finished reading Jack and the Beanstalk.

What was the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
An author can only have one purpose for writing.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
Dear Editor,
The litter in the park is becoming a problem. I believe the issue is there are not enough trash cans located around the park. The city council needs to place more trash cans in the park.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
You are watching an advertisement for a new toy on television.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
What kind of dog can jump higher than a house?
Any kind because houses cannot jump.

What was the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose

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What is the author's reason for writing this piece?
  1. to tell about a trip she took
  2. to imagine a different type of planet
  3. to entertain readers with a made up story
  4. to describe the different parts of the brain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
A book titled "Cars, Then and Now" would more likely be written to                .
  1. entertain
  2. direct
  3. persuade
  4. inform
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
Dairy cows make milk, which is used for cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
You are reading a biography on Benjamin Franklin.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
Once upon a time there was a hungry dragon. He flew over a cornfield full of corn ready to harvest. He found a small patch and blew his fire on it. Yum! Popcorn! The dragon enjoyed his snack.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
Dogs are better than cats. They can play fetch and do tricks. Cats just lay around and sleep all day. If you have a chance to get a pet, you should get a dog.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
On the side of a cereal box, they have listed the ingredients and nutritional value.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
You are reading a Snoopy comic.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
A presidential candidate is speaking at a fair.

What is the purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
You look in an atlas to find out where San Diego is located.

What is the purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
You are reading a poem about about fall. What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
Some animals have favorite foods. Sometimes they will even travel far distances to get them. African elephants will ignore nearby food and travel up a mountain for a certain berry.

What is the author's purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose
The news is presenting facts to their viewers about issues and candidates before voting day.

What is the purpose?
  1. persuade
  2. inform
  3. entertain
Grade 4 Author's Purpose CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.4.5

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

What does the line "Foot (or Bass)" suggest the reader should do?
  1. nothing, it is just saying the word foot
  2. stamp his feet or tap a bass drum
  3. that bass is another word for foot.
  4. get ready for the end (foot) of the poem
Grade 4 Author's Purpose CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.4.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Why does the author most likely repeat the word cuckoo?
  1. because it is a fun sound to say
  2. because it mimics the birds of summer
  3. because it sounds very silly
  4. because it mimics the sound of baby animals
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