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Autobiography and Biography Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 I Am Malala
How did Malala get shot?
  1. In her sleep
  2. At school
  3. At a restaurant
  4. On the bus
Grade 10 I Am Malala
What happened when Malala's father sent a letter to the "Daily Azadi"?
  1. People got scared and ran away
  2. The Taliban attacked him
  3. The people in his town congratulated him
  4. He was publicly whipped and taken to jail
Grade 10 I Am Malala
What was the name of the host of Radio Mullah?
  1. Fedayeen
  2. Hidayatullah
  3. Mohammad
  4. Fazlullah
Grade 4 The Man Who Named the Clouds
Grade 4 The Man Who Named the Clouds
Grade 4 The Man Who Named the Clouds
Grade 8 A Child Called It
Grade 6 Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark
Grade 4 The Man Who Named the Clouds
Grade 4 The Man Who Named the Clouds
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