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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Badminton Questions

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Grade 12 Badminton
On a serve, the player serving must make sure that the "birdie" is hit                                          
  1. under the net
  2. to the tallest player
  3. below their waist
  4. straight ahead
  5. short of service line in opponent's court
Grade 12 Badminton
Grade 12 Badminton
Grade 12 Badminton
A point is won when serving team's "birdie" is                                                             
  1. Hit over the net and onto the floor of the opponent's court.
  2. Hit over the net and contacts the opponent's body.
  3. Returned outside their court.
  4. All of the above.
  5. A and B only
Grade 12 Badminton
Grade 12 Badminton
The player receiving the serve must stand still until the server strikes the "birdie".
  1. True.
  2. False.
  3. Doesn't matter.
  4. Only if they are talking.
  5. Only if they are ahead in score.
Grade 12 Badminton
To begin the game opponents do what?
  1. toss a coin for service or side.
  2. pick a number for service or side.
  3. rock, paper and sissor for service or side.
  4. arm wrestle for service or side.
  5. have the official appoint service or side.
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