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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Baroque - 1600-1750 Questions

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Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
The Four Seasons was composed by                      .
  1. George Handel
  2. Domenico Scarlatti
  3. Antonio Vivaldi
  4. Johann Sebastian Bach
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
Baroque means                 ,                  style.
  1. glowing, sparkly
  2. dark, old
  3. light, happy
  4. fancy, decorated
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
The early forms of orchestra were small because:
  1. people did not like music.
  2. there were not enough musicians to make a large orchestra
  3. the king wanted it that way.
  4. performances were usually held in a private home and there was not enough room for a large group of musicians and an audience.
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
What are the dates of the Baroque Period?
  1. 450-1000
  2. 1400-1600
  3. 1600-1750
  4. 1750-1900
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
The Four Seasons was composed by                    .
  1. William Byrd
  2. Antonio Vivaldi
  3. Taylor Swift
  4. Giovanni Palestrina
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
Grade 6 Baroque - 1600-1750
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