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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Basic Shapes Questions

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Grade 4 Basic Shapes
A flat surface of a shape is known as                .
  1. a vertex
  2. a face
  3. an edge
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
          Octagon           is a polygon with 8 sides.
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
What polygon is this?
  1. octagon
  2. hexagon
  3. pentagon
  4. nonagon
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
A square MUST have
  1. 4 sides that are the same length and 4 right angles.
  2. exactly 2 right angles.
  3. no sides that are parallel.
  4. 4 acute angles.
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
Which polygon has more than 5 vertices?
  1. Pentagon
  2. Quadrilateral
  3. Triangle
  4. Hexagon
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
                   have sides that are all the same length and angles that are the same size.
  1. Polygons
  2. Regular polygons
  3. Irregular polygons
Grade 4 Basic Shapes CCSS: 4.G.A.2
This shape has 4 right angles and all sides the same length.
  1. rectangle
  2. square
  3. kite
  4. triangle
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
How many right angles does a rectangle have?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 5
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
The point on a shape is known as the                .
  1. vertex
  2. face
  3. edge
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
Where two lines of a face meet is known as a                .
  1. vertex
  2. face
  3. edge
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
Another name for a vertex is a          corner         .
Grade 4 Basic Shapes
Draw 2 parallel lines.

Draw a right triangle.
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