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None Basketball Questions

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None Basketball
Where was the game of basketball invented?
  1. Dallas, TX
  2. New York, NY
  3. Springfield, MA
  4. Bismark, ND
  5. Trenton, NJ
None Basketball
What was the first object used as a hoop?
  1. Buckets
  2. Garbage can
  3. Metal hoops
  4. Old hat
  5. Peach Basket
None Basketball
What is the correct position to guard an opponent?
  1. Face the opponent rather than the ball
  2. Guarding as close to the opponent as possible
  3. Playing the opponent slightly to the right
  4. Stay between the opponent and the basket
None Basketball
None Basketball
The most important factor which is essential for effective dribbling is to?
  1. keep the eyes on the ball
  2. go as fast as possible
  3. bounce the ball waist high
  4. maintain control
None Basketball
None Basketball
None Basketball
None Basketball
None Basketball
None Basketball
What was the first object used as a hoop?
  1. Buckets
  2. Garbage cans
  3. Metal hoops
  4. Old hats
  5. Peach Baskets
None Basketball
What is a foul?
  1. To push someone
  2. To kick or slap someone
  3. To trip someone
  4. All of the above
None Basketball
None Basketball
Which was the first ball used in basketball?
  1. Football
  2. Basketball
  3. Soccer ball
  4. Volleyball
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