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Kindergarten Biology Questions

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Kindergarten Biology
Which item is nonliving?
  1. snail
  2. flower
  3. cat
  4. rock
Kindergarten Biology
Can nonliving things grow and change?
  1. yes
  2. no
Kindergarten Biology
All living things                .
  1. stay the same
  2. grow
  3. fly
  4. talk
Kindergarten Biology
Do nonliving things move on their own?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Kindergarten Biology
Which item is living?
  1. chef
  2. pizza
  3. book
  4. crayon
Kindergarten Adaptations and Behavior
A caterpillar crawls on a leaf. The caterpillar is an animal. The leaf is a plant.
Pictograph - Larva
What do both the caterpillar and leaf need to live?
  1. soil
  2. water
  3. sunlight
Kindergarten Zoology
A(n)                 has 3 main body parts.
  1. insect
  2. thorax
  3. dog
Kindergarten Adaptations and Behavior
Is this a living thing?
Lab Tool - Safety Glasses
  1. yes
  2. no
Kindergarten Development and Reproduction
A "life cycle" is what?
  1. How plants keep growing taller.
  2. How plants die.
  3. How life repeats itself.
  4. How plants live together.
Kindergarten Botany
Plants need                    to live.
  1. water and sunlight
  2. air and water
  3. food and drink
Kindergarten Biology
Choose the living things.
  1. flower
  2. car
  3. boy
  4. house
  5. floor
Kindergarten Zoology
Are mammals cold blooded or warm blooded?
  1. cold blooded
  2. warm blooded
Kindergarten Zoology
Mammals and reptiles are both                .
  1. vertebrates
  2. invertebrates
Kindergarten Botany
Flowers eat animals.
  1. True
  2. False
Kindergarten Zoology
A reptile has                .
  1. fins
  2. scales
Kindergarten Botany
Where do apples grow?
  1. flower
  2. tree
  3. bush
  4. vine
Kindergarten Anatomy and Physiology
You can                 things with your hands and skin.
  1. touch
  2. hear
Kindergarten Biology
Choose the item that is living.
  1. cat
  2. river
  3. log
  4. music
Kindergarten Adaptations and Behavior
Which do mammals have?
  1. fur
  2. feathers
  3. scales
Kindergarten Zoology
A reptile that may live in a backyard is a                .
  1. penguin
  2. garter snake
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