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First Grade (Grade 1) Bodies of Water and Continents Questions

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Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
List the seven continents.
                               North America                                
                               South America                                
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
List the 4 oceans:
                   [Atlantic Ocean]                   
                  [Pacific Ocean]                  
                 [Indian Ocean]                 
                 [Arctic Ocean]                 
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
Where is the biggest river in the world, that has 15,00 smaller rivers flow into on it's way to the sea?
  1. Danube River, Europe
  2. Amazon River,South America
  3. Garonne River, Europe
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
How many oceans are there?
  1. 7
  2. 11
  3. 4
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
What continent do you live on?
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
Land and bodies of water are                     
  1. climate
  2. physical surroundings
  3. where people live
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
The place where the river flows into the sea is called
  1. long arm
  2. river mouth
  3. big eye
Grade 1 Bodies of Water and Continents
How many continents are there?
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