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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Bodies of Water and Continents Questions

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Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Oceania is a region in what body of water?
  1. Mediterranean Sea
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Pacific Ocean
  4. Indian Ocean
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Which of the following is a body of water?
  1. peninsula
  2. mesa
  3. plateau
  4. strait
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Which continent is not located in the Northern Hemisphere?
  1. Antarctica
  2. North America
  3. Asia
  4. Europe
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the largest ocean?
  1. Indian
  2. Pacific
  3. Atlantic
  4. Antarctic
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Who gave the Pacific Ocean its name?
  1. Christopher Columbus
  2. Ferdinand Magellan
  3. Bartolomeu Dias
  4. Francis Drake
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Of the seven continents on earth which two are completely within the southern hemisphere?
  1. Asia and Australia
  2. Asia and Antarctica
  3. Australia and Antarctica
  4. Africa and Australia
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
How many oceans are there, and what are the names ?
  1. 5 : Prime meridian, atlantic, oceanic, continental, pacific
  2. 4 : Pacific, Atlantic, Alphabetical, Gong
  3. 5 : Pacific,Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Southern
  4. 4 : Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Centric
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Canals are
  1. fertile land
  2. natural water ways
  3. small rivers
  4. human made water ways
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