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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Bonds and Mixing Questions

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Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
In a mixture, substances
  1. keep their own properties.
  2. have a definite chemical composition.
  3. lose their original properties.
  4. combine chemically.
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
The solubility of most solids in water can be increased by                       .
  1. increasing the solvent
  2. increasing temperature
  3. stirring slowly
  4. increasing the solute
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
A very well mixed mixture is a                  .
  1. boiling point
  2. mixture
  3. solution
  4. none of the above
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Carbon atoms can join other atoms in a                               .
  1. double bond
  2. triple bond
  3. single bond
  4. single, double, or triple bond
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Jonny is mixing a solution in science class. He is told to mix sugar and oil. What will Jonny most likely conclude about his solution?
  1. Sugar is soluble in oil
  2. Sugar is insoluble in oil
  3. Oil is insoluble in sugar
  4. Oil is soluble in sugar
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Ionic bonding occurs between                       .
  1. a metal and a nonmetal
  2. two metals
  3. two nonmetals
  4. None of the above
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
What is the major difference between concentration and solubility?
  1. Concentration is measured in grams of solute per 100 mL of solution and solubility is measured in grams of solute per 100 mL of solvent.
  2. Concentration is measured in grams of solute per 100 mL of solvent and solubility is measured in grams of solute per 100 mL of solution.
  3. Concentration is measured in liters of solute per 100 g of solvent and solubility is measured in liters of solute per 100 g of solution.
  4. There is no difference. Concentration and solubility is measuring the same variables.
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
Which one is not an example of filtration?
  1. coffee filter
  2. fishing net
  3. tea bag
  4. strainer
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
A salad would be considered which type of mixture?
  1. heterogeneous
  2. homogeneous
  3. element
  4. compound
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