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Bowling Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Bowling
The number one pin is also known as the:
  1. 1st pin
  2. 2nd pin
  3. 3rd pin
  4. headpin
Grade 8 Bowling
Grade 12 Bowling
What piece(s) of equipment are necessary to bowl?
  1. Bowling Ball
  2. Bowling Pin
  3. Bowling Lane
  4. All of the above
Grade 7 Bowling
What fingers are placed inside the bowling ball holes?
  1. thumb, middle, ring
  2. thumb, pointer, ring
  3. pointer, middle, ring
  4. thumb, middle, pinky
Grade 7 Bowling
Grade 12 Bowling
There are many different approaches when getting ready to release your ball. In class we went over one of the _______________ approach.
  1. 3 step approach
  2. 4 step approach
  3. 5 step approach
  4. walk up, stop, look, and release the ball
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