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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Capitalization and Punctuation Questions

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Grade 5 Commas CCSS: L.5.2b
Choose the sentence that uses a comma correctly.
  1. When I get older, I will be able to drive.
  2. When I get older I will be able to drive.
  3. When, I get older, I will be able to drive.
  4. When I get older I will be, able to drive.
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: L.5.2b
Which sentence uses a comma correctly?
  1. However I am very good at math.
  2. However I, am very, good at math.
  3. However, I am very good at math.
  4. However I am very good, at math.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
  1. I saw the Statue of Liberty in New York.
  2. i saw the Statue of liberty in new york.
  3. I saw the State Of Liberty in New York.
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.5.2
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
  1. The paper, scissors and pencils belong in the top drawer.
  2. The paper scissors, and pencils belong in the top drawer.
  3. The paper, scissors, and pencils belong in the top drawer.
  4. The paper, scissors, and pencils, belong in the top drawer.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Find the sentence that has no errors in capitalization.
  1. we met Captain Andy on the h. m. s. pinafore.
  2. We met captain Andy on the H.m. s. Pinafore.
  3. We met Captain Andy on the H.M.S. Pinafore.
  4. we met Captain andy on the H.m.S. Pinafore.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Find the sentence with correct capitalization.
  1. our class enjoyed reading the poem "dreams" by langston Hughes.
  2. Our class enjoyed reading the poem "dreams" by Langston Hughes.
  3. our class enjoyed reading the Poem "Dreams" by Langston Hughes.
  4. Our class enjoyed reading the poem "Dreams" by Langston Hughes.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  1. Sally moved from Ellington, Missouri to Kansas City, Kansas.
  2. sally moved from ellington, Missouri to Kansas City, Kansas.
  3. Sally moved from Ellington, Missouri to Kansas city, kansas.
  4. sally moved from ellington, MIssouri to Kansas City, kansas.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Find the sentence that has no capitalization errors.
  1. Julius Caesar ruled the roman empire until he was assassinated.
  2. julius Caesar ruled the Roman empire until he was assassinated.
  3. Julius Caesar ruled the Roman Empire until he was assassinated.
  4. Julius caesar ruled the roman empire until he was assassinated.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Complete the sentence.

In June, my family will visit                .
  1. biloxi, ms
  2. Biloxi ms
  3. Biloxi, MS
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.5.2b
What change should be made to the sentence below?

While we were on vacation I bought a sombrero.
  1. Add a comma after "we"
  2. Add a comma after "vacation"
  3. Add a comma after "While"
  4. Add a comma after "bought"
Grade 5 Apostrophes
Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
  1. Alisons dog can do tricks.
  2. Alison's dog can do tricks.
  3. Alisons' dog can do tricks.
Grade 5 Colons and Semicolons
Where should a semicolon be placed in the following sentence?

Joanna was happy finally she was the pitcher of her softball team.
  1. after finally
  2. before of
  3. after happy
  4. before happy
Grade 5 Capitalization
Find the sentence that has no errors in capitalization.
  1. Brenda attended the los angeles Greek festival last may.
  2. Brenda attended the Los Angeles Greek Festival in May.
  3. brenda attended the los Angeles greek Festival in may.
  4. Brenda attended the los angeles Greek festival in May.
Grade 5 Commas
Which sentence is punctuated and capitalized correctly?
  1. i like red, yellow, and green apples
  2. I like red, yellow, and green apples.
  3. I like red yellow and green apples.
Grade 5 Capitalization and Punctuation
Choose the list of words that are capitalized correctly.
  1. January, february, march, APRIL
  2. January, February, March, April
  3. january, february, march, april
  4. jAnuarY, FeBruary, MarCh, ApriL
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: L.5.2a
Choose ALL the sentences that correctly use commas in a series.
  1. It is rainy, cold, and windy outside.
  2. Her dress has sparkles flowers and, bows on it.
  3. Dave plays basketball football and soccer.
  4. My mom can cook chicken, cookies, and waffles.
  5. He likes to eat tacos, burritos and rice.
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: L.5.2b
Of the following, which sentence correctly uses a comma to mark off an introductory phrase?
  1. After, I finished my homework I went to a party with my friends.
  2. After I finished my homework, I went to a party with my friends.
  3. After I finished my homework I went to a party with my friends.
  4. After I finished my homework I, went to a party with my friends.
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: L.5.2a
Choose the sentence that uses commas correctly.
  1. The students are required to bring, their textbooks, pencils and flash drives to class.
  2. The students are required to bring their textbooks, pencils, and flash drives to class.
  3. The students are required to bring their textbooks pencils and flash drives to class.
  4. The students are required to bring their textbooks, pencils and flash drives to class.
Grade 5 Commas CCSS: L.5.2c
Which answer has the comma in the correct place?
  1. Yes I would, like a side of potatoes.
  2. Yes I, would like a side of potatoes.
  3. Yes I would like a, side of potatoes.
  4. Yes, I would like a side of potatoes.
Grade 5 Capitalization
Which sentence is capitalized correctly?
  1. mr. brown went to see dr. fisher in salem.
  2. mr. Brown went to see dr. Fisher in salem.
  3. Mr. Brown went to see Dr. Fisher in salem.
  4. Mr. Brown went to see Dr. Fisher in Salem.
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