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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Cell Structure and Function Questions

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Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Cell walls can be found in                 .
  1. plants
  2. fungi
  3. bacteria
  4. all of the above
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Which is a function of the plasma membrane?
  1. breaks down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins from foods
  2. stores water, salt, proteins, and carbohydrates
  3. keeps the cell wall in place
  4. regulates which materials enter and leave the cell
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function

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One feature distinguishing plant cells from animal cells is the presence of
  1. a plasma membrane.
  2. a cell wall.
  3. cytosol.
  4. mitochondria.
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
What is the first stage of mitosis?
  1. anaphase
  2. metaphase
  3. prophase
  4. telophase
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
A process that requires energy is
  1. osmosis.
  2. diffusion.
  3. facilitated diffusion.
  4. active transport.
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
How are haploid gamete cells produced from diploid cells?
  1. genetics
  2. meiosis
  3. mitosis
  4. inheritance
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Somatic cells are
  1. cells from the testes or ovaries.
  2. egg cells and sperm cells.
  3. normal body cells.
  4. produced through meiosis.
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Which phase of mitosis is the diagram showing?
Cell Anaphase
  1. prophase
  2. metaphase
  3. anaphase
  4. telophase
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Animal cells do NOT contain
  1. mitochondria.
  2. a cell membrane.
  3. chloroplasts.
  4. a nucleus.
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Which description describes endocytosis?
  1. process of taking large particles into the cell
  2. process of taking materials into the cell by means of infolding of the cell membrane
  3. the release of large amounts of material from the cell
  4. none of the above
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
What organelle does L indicate?
Animal Cell
  1. mitochondrion
  2. Golgi body
  3. centriole
  4. nucleus
  5. cytoplasm
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
What organelle does A indicate?
Animal Cell
  1. centriole
  2. cytoskeleton
  3. nucleolus
  4. Golgi body
  5. nucleus
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Where are mitochondria found?
  1. plant cells
  2. animal cells
  3. both
  4. neither
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Which statement concerning prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is NOT correct?
  1. Prokaryotic cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus.
  2. DNA is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  3. Eukaryotic cells contain a membrane-bound nucleus.
  4. Prokaryotic cells contain small membrane-enclosed organelles.
  5. DNA is present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
The diffusion of water through the cell membrane is
  1. diffusion.
  2. osmosis.
  3. active transport.
  4. endocytosis.
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
In eukaryotic cells, significant stages of respiration occur in the
  1. chloroplasts.
  2. ribosomes.
  3. mitochondria.
  4. endoplasmic reticulum.
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